Welcome to Nursery
Nursery Tour
Thank you for showing an interest in Benton Park Nursery, please watch the video above to find out more about us.
If you would like more information or would like to put your child's name forward for a place starting September 2024, please contact the school office on 0191 2665122.
How Nursery Runs
There are two classes:
All day Monday, all day Tuesday and Wednesday morning; Wednesday afternoon, all day Thursday and all day Friday
We can take up to 26 children in each class. This year however we have been able to offer 30 hours to children who are entitled to this.
Each child will have a key worker. This is the person who will know your child inside out and the one you should share any relevant information, concerns or achievements. We are always keen to hear about exciting things that happen at home.
Meet the staff
Teacher: - Mrs Bosomworth
Teaching Assistants -Miss Weaving, Mr Coates & Mrs Hamilton
Session Times:
Full days run from 8.45am until 3.15pm
Children will have lunch at 11.30am until 12.30pm
Wednesday’s half day is either
Wednesday morning 8.45am-11.30am
Wednesday afternoon 12.30pm – 3.15pm
Starting Nursery
Each child is allocated to a small group to start with. This allows the staff to get to know your child as well as your child to get to know us and their new surroundings.
There is always flexibility for those children who need more time to settle.
Children have lunch at 11.30am
Children are looked after by Nursery staff.
Children can bring a packed lunch or eat a school dinner.
Dinners cost £2.10. Please pay for lunches through the School Gateway App.
Children choose which dinner they would like each day from a range of three or four options.
Please consider healthy options in lunchboxes.
The Foundation Stage
The Foundation Stage at school starts in Nursery and finishes at the end of Reception. There are seven areas of the foundation stage curriculum. Each area has “goals” that children should achieve by the end of the Reception year.
The areas of the curriculum include;
Communication and Language
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Physical Development
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design
There is more information on these in your information packs.
What to Wear
School uniform is optional for Nursery. If you wish your child to wear school uniform it can be ordered from Emblematic (there will be a flier in your welcome pack)
Children must wear:-
Clothes that can be taken off in a hurry for getting to the toilet on time (Nursery children get very engrossed in their work and often leave visiting the toilet until the very last second)
Velcro shoes
Clothes that you don’t mind getting a bit messy!
We work outside every day in both the Nursery garden and the woodland area. Please also ensure your child has:-
A Warm coat
A pair of wellies, a waterproof coat and a pair of waterproof trousers that they can keep at school ready for working in the woodland area.
A Water bottle
Please name all items
Each Nursery child has an online learning journey. This is where we record your child’s achievements and progress. You can access your child’s learning journey at home. It is a secure site and you log in using a secure password. You can use Tapestry to share news from home with us. If children have been working as part of a group of 3 the observation and any photographs will be on each of the 3 children’s learning journey unless you specified differently on your photo permission form.
Wrap Around Care
Benton Buttons offers wrap around care from 7.30am-9.00am and after school from 3.00pm-6.00pm. There is more information in your pack but if you have any questions or are interested in using Buttons please contact the office.
Office Information
Please make sure that all contact numbers are up to date.
Please return any forms which you have already received.
The Gateway App allows parents to give permission for trips, pay for school dinners or make contributions to trips. Please download the App. If you have any difficulties in doing this please speak to the office staff who will be happy to help.
At Benton park we take your child’s safety very seriously. Here are some of the things we do to keep your child safe;
Lock doors and gates
Total adult supervision, children are never left alone
Collection by a known adult ( we will only release your child to someone we have met and know)
Clear child protection procedures
First aiders in the team
No parking on site
Photograph and email permissions sought from parents
Being on time.
Give us emergency contact details.
Close doors and gates.
Tell us if your child is to be collected by another adult (which we have met before they collect).
Tell us about any dietary needs, medications or illnesses.
Talk to us about any concerns as soon as you have them.
Thank You
It is a great privilege to have the opportunity to work with you and your child. We hope that you enjoy your time at Benton Park and that you get involved with the school as a parent, and first educator. I look forward to meeting you and your child very soon. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact school.
Nursery Application Form
Nursery Application Form