Benton Park NE7

Benton Park Primary School

A school for your child; a community for your family

Vision & Values




a school for your child; 

a community for your family.

On the 2nd September 1952, the first Headteacher of Benton Park Primary School, Mr R. M Hall, opened the school’s Junior department doors and welcomed in 95 children from the local area.

Since then the school has been through many changes; many children have come and gone, likewise have staff, but the thread of commitment to providing for our local community remains.

Benton Park Primary school is your school. Whether a pupil, a parent, a grandparent, a carer, a friend, a colleague or a visitor; here regularly or not, I want you to feel welcome. And as a pupil, I want you to feel not only welcome, but happy, safe and included in every aspect of school life. 


Our school has built a reputation over the years for its inclusivity; as a school community we hold this value close to our hearts. Inclusivity, stems from a belief in the importance of kindness - everyone should feel welcome. Being kind is therefore something we ‘practice’ every day.

Trying hard and striving to improve are essential to all our successes at Benton Park. In order to ensure your child and our pupils achieve well and attain high, we have designed a bespoke curriculum; with appropriate adaptations to ensure every child can succeed.  


Our curriculum has three specific aims:

it should enable our children to ‘know and do’ – building from a strong focus on knowledge acquisition, including ‘cultural capital’, teaching and learning should prepare our children appropriately for the next stage in their life; to make a valuable contribution to society;

it should enable our children to question, reason and explain – learning should support our children to form opinions of their own; want to search and find out more; puzzle over ideas that might seem difficult to grasp or understand; shape the ‘knowledge’ of the future;

it should enable our children to communicate and share their ideas and knowledge in a sporting competition; as a piece of artwork; in a story or a poem; as a speech, performance or song; in a radio show broadcast. Regardless of their starting point, our curriculum should enable our children to be confident in sharing what they know and what they can do; each and every child should have the opportunity to celebrate their successes and share their achievements.

Very best wishes

Dominic Martin


 If you require a paper copy of anything you see on this website please contact the school office to arrange. Please allow at least one working week for us to provide printed material.