Personal Development & SMSC
Pupils are provided with a wide variety of opportunities for personal development, as well as, social, moral, spiritual and cultural education at Benton Park.
The scope of our personal development offer is set out in the document below:
Our 'highlights' documents below shows some of the many ways in which pupils access SMSC opportunities and learning at Benton Park
In addition to personal development opportunities provided with our curriculum, we have also developed 100+ things to know and do @Benton Park. This is demonstrative of our commitment to offer our pupils with a range of additional learning and experiential opportunities beyond the ambition of the National Curriculum.
100+ things and know and do @Benton Park
We regularly look at statistics provided by the police to ensure our personal development provision addresses issues encountered within our locality. The most recent version of this document can be viewed below:Personal Development provision and locality issues 2023
Preparing our pupils for their future careers is an essential park of our provision - the document below explains how our curriculum and provision links to the Gatsby Primary Enterprise Benchmarks.Enterprise Education @Benton Park
Click on the pdf below to see how our values align with the British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and respect and tolerance.